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Can you improve your mood with a standing desk? That is a weird question, right? Like how can you be happy when you are standing? Do not make quick conclusion as today you are going to learn a lot of new facts about a standing desk. And, yes, you can improve your mood with a standing desk.
Why will you improve your mood with a standing desk?
Since now you know you can improve your mood with a standing desk, the next question questions you may have are how and why? Why does your mood get better and how does it happen? What happens to you and your body?
1. Your Productivity Gets Better

A mix of sitting and standing activities gives you energy. The time of the day, the presence of a meal in your stomach or any other facts are not important. Your productivity just gets better and you just cannot get tired! Is not that a miracle? It is! π Some years ago British scientists made an experiment where half of workers were offered to work at an adjustable desk and another half was working at a usual one. In some months the productivity, mood, level of happiness and even quality of life got better for those who were working at a standing desk for a few hour a day. A few hours a day is a crucial point since you will get really tired when working standing for 8 hours. Make breaks, move around and take some small snacks every now and then! π
2. You Will Not Burn Out as Your Brain Health Will be Amazing

No need to say health is one of the most valuable things in life. When being healthy, you feel happier. How can you improve your mood with a standing desk? A study conducted some years ago showed that people who spend some time standing at their desks have a better mental health. Your brain gets less oxygen when you are sitting, and that leads to a reduction of brain chemicals. Brain needs glucose to function, and eating too much candies and cookies is not everything you can do. To increase your glucose level in a healthier way, you can have a small walk after meal, and your glucose level in the brain will be controlled. Moreover, some researches from New Mexico Highlands University state that there is a foot impact during walking, and it sends pressure waves through blood vessels, and it increases brain blood flow. To make it simple, your brain works better and your chances of getting any serious brain disease decreases significantly.
3. More Communication Brings Positive Vibes

In one of our previous articles we told you about the importance of movements while working at a standing desk. You can move while working steadily but you can also walk to the next bar for your lunch together with your coworkers. When going out with anyone, you will have a higher chance of having a nice conversation about whatever you want/is allowed!
4. Small Movements Make You Happy

Some studies show that people who work at a standing desk are more dynamic and competent. Why? These people just do some movements with coworkers during the day. That may sound a bit weird but you can do gymnastics in an office Β with many jokes and funny moments. It will not just improve your mood but relieve your anxiety and stress levels. To make your office sport sessions more comfortable, get some foot rollers and any mat. You can get more information about these accessories in our article Best Standing Desk Accessories.
Can you improve your mood with a standing desk? Yes, you can! Do not work for more than 4 hours a day, make small breaks in between and talk to your coworkers! π
Are you thinking of getting a standing desk? We have created a checklist for you together with all the necessary tips you need to know before choosing your standing desk.
Feel free to contact us anytime in case of any questions. We are always there for you! π
- Charlotte Edwardson (2018). Effectiveness of the Stand More AT (SMArT) Work intervention: cluster randomised consoled trial
- Josephine Chau, William Sukala et al., (2015). More standing and just as productive: Effects of a sit-stand desk intervention on call center workers’ sitting, standing, and productivity at work in the Opt to Stand pilot study Β Β
- Jessika Fichtel for Ergonomie im BΓΌro: Wie sich Arbeiten im Stehen auf die Gesundheit auswirktΒ
- Eric Jaffe (2015). Everything Science Knows Right Now About Standing Desks
- Michael Wheeler et al., (2017). Could too much sitting be bad for our brains?Β
- Ernest Greene et al., (2017). Acute Effects of Walking on Human Internal Carotid Blood Flow
- FLEXISPOT (2018). 4 Ways Standing Desks Improve Employee Productivity
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