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👉 I want a desk!

🧸What cool standing desk accessories to buy 2021?

We are more than sure that you have already tested all the benefits of your new standing desk, as we mentioned them in our previous article! So now it is time for you to think of some cool standing desk accessories. In this article we are going to share with you a list of cool standing desk accessories.

1. An Anti-Fatigue Mat

anti fatigue mat
An anti-fatigue mat makes your feet and legs feel more comfortable.

The idea of a standing desk is that you stand for some time while working. For some people it is easier than for the others. However, the most common complaint after standing for a long times is uncomfortable feeling in the feet and legs. In this regards, an anti-fatigue mat is a must-have for your office. The mat will not just make your feet and legs feel comfortable and cozy. It will also with high probability prevent your joints from stiffness, reduce your headaches and lower foot pressure. An anti-fatigue mat is easy to be washed and stored in any office.


2. A Foot Roller

beach foot
A foot roller stimulates lymph and blood circulation.

This is a cool standing desk accessories of all the times! A foot roller is a good device if you want to massage your feel. A foot roller is not just a toy for your feet! When used 3 times a day for a few minutes, a foot roller stimulates lymph and blood circulation, relieves heel pain and sore muscles, erodes scar tissue and significantly reduces fascia inflammation.


3. Monitor Mount

A monitor mount will allow you adjust the height and the angle of your laptop.

With the use of a monitor mount, you will be able to adjust height and angle. This will allow you to look straight at the screen, and your eyes and neck will be relaxed. When having an adjustable desk, you need to change between sitting and standing positions, and a monitor mount will help you change the positioning of your screen. A monitor mount will also help you focus as it allows you to adjust two screens and work more effectively. A monitor mount will also improve your posture with a reduction of chronic back pain, problems with joints and neck problems.




4. Monitor Arms

screen laptop mouse
Monitor arms are one of the best standing desk accessories.

Monitor arms allow you to move your positioning. Your eyes and neck do not get tired as soon as they would a monitor located at one spot. Monitor arms allow you to clean up your desk so you have more free space for your personal and office things like a planner, personal pictures, post-its with agenda or a glass of water. Read our guide on setting up your home office for inspiration. Monitor arms also let you get an optimal viewing position from both standing and a sitting position.

5. Keyboard Trays

Keyboard trays help locate the keyboard in a neutral reach zone.

Keyboard trays are cool accessories for your desk even if it is not a standing one. However, for an adjustable desk, keyboard trays are a must. Why? Keyboard trays help you locate your keyboard in a neutral reach zone. If you are sitting, you can put your keyboard in an area of your laps. When standing, you can put a keyboard on the position of your elbows. These positions will prevent you from worries of injuries of wrists, arms and hands in the long run.


6. A Vertical Mouse as The Best Standing Desk Accessory of 2019

monitor mouse keyboard
Getting some accessories for your standing desk will help stay concentrated.

A vertical mouse is the best standing desk accessory, and it is just awesome!  When working with this mouse, your arms are not getting twisted. Your forearm is positioned in an anatomical rest position, and you use fewer muscles of your body. Your thumb is getting relaxed as it is literally hanging while you do the movements with another fingers. Your wrist is relaxing as move the mouse with a pilot motion from your elbow, not your wrist.


We tried to create a list of the most widespread accessories for your standing desk. In the next articles, we will inform you about many interesting things! Stay tuned! 😉


  1. Coruba (2017). Anti-Fatigue Rubber Mats: 8 Benefits They Bring to The Workforce https://www.coruba.co.uk/blog/anti-fatigue-rubber-mats-8-benefits-they-bring-to-the-workforce/
  2. https://www.painawaydevices.com/best-foot-rollers-for-plantar-fasciitis/
  3. https://www.feetremedies.com/foot-rollers-for-plantar-fasciitis/


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